April 5th Contractors & Farmers Consignment Sale
04/05/24 09:30am
Call Nick-301-672-1958 or David 301-475-9348
Do it Best Square Point Shovel , Do it Best Aluminum Scoops, 24in Push Brooms, Jackson J250 Shovels, New Heavy Duty Jumper Cables, New Heavy Duty Jumper Cables, New Heavy Duty Jumper Cables, New Heavy Duty Jumper Cables, New Heavy Duty Jumper Cables, New Heavy Duty Jumper Cables, New Ratchet Chain Binder, New Ratchet Chain Binder, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 3/8 G70 20ft Chain, New 20 Ton Hyd Jack, New 20 Ton Hyd Jack, Amerimax Vinyl Downspouts, 1in -8 x 10ft Threaded Rod, Hit & Miss Engine, Kids helicopter arcade ride, Infinite Virtual Reality Machine , New Shackles, New Shackles, New Shackles, New Shackles, New Shackles, Safety barrel bottoms, Safety barrel bottoms, Heavy Construction Matting, Bolt On Lights and Mud Flaps, Okada Breaker Excavator Mount, Indeco Hp750 Breaker, New 12in Discharge Hose, New 12in Discharge Hose, 4ft Fork Extensions , 4ft Fork Extensions , 4ft Fork Extensions , Nicolock Custom 4' Fire Pit, Pavers, Alamo flail Mower, John Deere 60" Bushog, John Deere 72" Bushog, John Deere Worksite Pro 4in1 Bucket, New SSL Trencher, John Deere TR48 SSL Trencher, John Deere Bp72 SSL Broom, Paladin SSL Broom, Wanco arrow board, Wanco Arrow Board, Wanco Arrow board, Push Frame, 11 ft Snow Plow, 10 ft Snow Plow, 2016 Clark OP15, 2003 Berminghammer B21 Pile Driver, International 1954 T/A w/ Finn T170 Hydroseeder, 2002 Kaufman T/A Equipment Trailer , 2006 Belshe T/A Gooseneck Trailer, Caterpillar 299D-2 XHP Track Skid Steer, New Fuel Transfer Tank W/ Pump, New Fuel Transfer Tank W/ Pump, 1 Person Kayak , Clear 2 Person Kayak , Bear on Rock, 8ft Stagecoach Cutout Sign, 8ft Slab Live Edge Table With Benches, 6ft Totem Pole, Husquavarna 122LK , Husquavarna 122C , Husquavarna 122LK , Husquavarna 130L, Craftsman TB227XP, Craftsman Shop Vac, 5 Gal Metal Diesel/ Gas Cans, Fall Protection Device, John Deere 155C Riding Mower, John Deere 125 Riding Mower, Live View Camera On Trailer, Fuel Tank, Sand Barrel's, Sand Barrel's, Sand Barrel's, Pallet of Road Signs, Pallet of Orange Cones, Pallet of Green Cones, Set of 2 ST225/75/R15 Trailer Tires, Water Filled Barriers, Auger Bit Rack, Auger Bit Rack, Sthil Ts400 Cutoff Saw, Sthil Ts400 Cutoff Saw, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Auger Bit, Pallet of Metal Barrels, Pallet of Plastic Barrels, Pallet of Lights, Pallet of Class 1 Tee Post Clips, Pallet of Flared End Sections, Metal Road sign Rack, Metal Road Sign Rack, Pallet of Black Windscreen, Pallet of Windscreen, Pallet of Temp Fence, Polan Pro 5020 Chainsaw, Cat 467-9824 Bucket Teeth, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits, Box -3 Epiroc 136-6089-21-44-70,57-20 Powerface Drill Bits,
View all 319 Lots
Saturday Sell Everything Extravangaza
04/06/24 09:00am
Do you have, or know someone who has some STUFF? We want to help you turn your unwanted STUFF into Cold Hard Cash$$$$$$ Sentinel Enterprises is Proud to offer a NEW AUCTION EXPERIENCE to Southern Maryland!!!!
We Provide you with a 10X10 area, You Bring your items (Spots will Be laid out with lines Painted on the ground)
You display and represent the Items (Afterall Nobody knows your items better than you)
Our Auctioneer Sells your items Up to 50 Lots Per Area (You Get a check)
Please Call Nick-301-672-1958, or David-301-475-9348 for More Details
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#Antiques, #ReSeller, #FleaMarket
View all 72 Lots